ART AND GEOLOGY. History and contemporaneity of the arts and the geological

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Rosell Meseguer Mayoral




Methods without theory are unthinkable in artistic creation; Theory and practice are not opposite, but complementary. In 1878 photography made possible the decomposition of movement, and with this fact many ideas were revealed to be wrong. Muybridge, could verify that the four hooves of a mare took off from the ground at the same time, which contradicted the ideas in force until then. These scientific and technical studies influenced artists such as Degas, Puvis de Chavannes or Rodin, evidencing the close relationship between art, science and technology. From this introduction the text describes various art projects that I have been doing since 2005, between visual arts and geology. The methods of artistic research, the theoretical methodology, the idea or concept, and the practical methodology, the materialization of that idea in the plastic arts and its close link with geology and other natural sciences are explained.



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Meseguer Mayoral, R. (2024). ART AND GEOLOGY.: History and contemporaneity of the arts and the geological. Index, Contemporary Art Magazine, 10(17).
Art Themes


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