the mediation of things Xavier Patiño

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Giada Lusardi


In this exhibition, artist Xavier Patiño (Guayaquil, 1961) invites the viewer to enter his world of geometric objects embodying the colors of major socialist revolutions. These creative tools are linked to education, abstracted from their everyday use: curvigraphs, rulers, levels, tape measures, squares, measuring tools placed in this gallery space to remind us of the transformative potential of art. However, it also highlights its complicated relationship with bureaucratic educational systems that measure and standardize everything, expressing results in success indices that legitimize them.

This curatorial text was written for the exhibition titled "The Mediation of Things" by Xavier Patiño, held in August and September 2023 at the +ARTE gallery in Quito. It was also presented in Cuenca (Ecuador) from December 2023 to February 2024 as part of the parallel exhibitions program of the XVI Cuenca Biennial.


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How to Cite
Lusardi, G. (2024). the mediation of things: Xavier Patiño. Index, Contemporary Art Magazine, 10(17).


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