Speculative technopoetics of the fossils of the future: reflections on extractive capitalism, failed technoscience and the ecological crisis

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Yadis Vanessa Vanegas Toala


This article analyzes the piece "La Sexta Extinción" by contemporary artist Felipe Jácome Reyes, and argues that it operates as a speculative technopoetics of the future through a series of fossils that bear witness to a society sustained by an extractive capitalism. It is concluded that the artwork becomes a sort of device of aesthetic and political imagination, which questions the ecological crisis as part of a civilizational crisis anchored to a modern techno-scientific project. From a critique of the extractive ethos -which imposes capital on nature- the artwork invites reflection on the political economy of the technocene and the capitalocene, allowing speculation on the futuristic cartographies of the extractive capital that depredates human and non-human life.



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Vanegas Toala, Y. V. (2024). Speculative technopoetics of the fossils of the future:: reflections on extractive capitalism, failed technoscience and the ecological crisis. Index, Contemporary Art Magazine, 10(17). https://doi.org/10.26807/cav.v10i17.589
Art Themes


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