Añil profundo, artistic collaborations between Natalia De los Ríos and Carolina Muñoz

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This text addresses the processes that emerge from the experimentation of natural materials, more specifically with indigo, and its link with artistic collaborations. During these processes, knowledge and thoughts are interwoven and reciprocal, resulting from the reflection and analogy of the approach between the body, the cycles, the stain and the territory in a direct and close relationship with the art of two artists Natalia De los Ríos and Carolina Muñoz, who found in indigo the opportunity to inhabit the naturalness of the intuition of the encounter with themselves and the territory they walk and observe from their artistic creation.


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How to Cite
ROSERO LOPEZ, J., MUÑOZ CEBALLOS, C., & DE LOS RIOS, N. (2024). Añil profundo, : artistic collaborations between Natalia De los Ríos and Carolina Muñoz. Index, Contemporary Art Magazine, 10(17). https://doi.org/10.26807/cav.v10i17.594
Author Biography


Visual artist from the University of Nariño. Master in Visual Anthropology from FLACSO- Ecuador. She has been selected and invited to participate in collective, regional and national exhibitions, such as Destinerracias/ Derrida de el sur (2017), Flujos Radioáculos/ IDARTES (2015), Trazo Diverso (2016) Regional image 7 and 8 - Banco de la República ( 2011/2014), among others. Selected among one of the best 40 art theses in Colombia within the TESIS 2014 project, call of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Bogotá. He participated in the creation of the research laboratory-creation of Polygraphic Territories-Government of Nariño. In recent years she has become interested in art curating, developing the curatorial project: “SOLUBLE IMAGINARIOS” reflections and questions about the presence of women in art, between 2016 and 2019. In 2020 she developed and coordinated the project: “Woman, museum, art and memory in collaboration with the Secretariat of Culture of the Municipality of Pasto and the Secretariat of Culture.   Community Verified icon          


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