Body, bioeroticism and cyberspace in the ecocritical performativities of David Crononberg, Julio Huayamave and David Jara.

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Amalina Bomnin Hernández


The most important challenges in assuming transformations of all kinds in the face of a global crisis is to change the bond we maintain with nature, and this involves, first of all, analyzing how we relate to humans. David Cronenberg, Julio Huayamave and David Jara share in common the performativity of their visual poetics that observe the body linked to a harmful bio-robotic notion; his allegories have an ecocritical character and are nihilistic with respect to supposed technological progress. These authors address the annulment of the human in the face of its transhuman competitor, as well as the deconfiguration of the community as an area where, at some point, we imagine redeeming ourselves and moving forward


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How to Cite
Bomnin Hernández, A. (2024). Body, bioeroticism and cyberspace in the ecocritical performativities of David Crononberg, Julio Huayamave and David Jara. Index, Contemporary Art Magazine, 10(17).
Art Themes


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